Slow cooker home made doner kebab

This is a perfect Friday night dinner.  I'm still enjoying my Friday nights at the pub whilst I am healthy eating, you have to have a little treat, and this cooks in the slow cooker whilst you're there - perfect!

According to the Daily Mail, a takeaway Doner Kebab can contain anywhere between 1000 and 2000 calories, mine only has 551!

I found this recipe on The Diary of a Frugal Family website 

I've made a slight change with the addition of cumin

You will need:

1kg lamb mince (as lean as you can get, however this recipe is based on standard supermarket lamb mince)
1tbsp garlic powder
1tbsp ground cumin
1tbsp oregano
1tsp mixed dried herbs 
1/2 tsp cayenne pepper
2tsp salt
1tbsp white pepper

6 wholemeal pitta breads

Serves 6
551 calories per serving


Simply put all the ingredients in a food processor and wizz up until it forms a smooth paste.
Spray tin foil with fry light and put the meat in and wrap tightly.
You can put a layer of onion on the bottom of your slow cooker before you add the meat, this is a lovely treat when you come to eat the kebabs.
cook on low for 6-8 hours
Thinly slice and serve in warmed wholemeal pitta with salad.

You could squeeze a little bit of garlic puree into lighter than light mayo, if you fancy garlic sauce with your kebab.



  1. Sounds lush Rachel.. Think I might give this a try. I don't eat normal kebabs, as I don't trust the contents.

  2. yes this is a great way to eat something naughty but safe in the knowledge that you know exactly what is in in.

    Let me know how you get on x


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