Home cooked Indian

Home cooked Indian.  If I'm honest I can't remember what curry this is, but side dishes of onion bhaji and garlic and ginger potatoes.

I think I used this recipe for the bhaji http://jeenaskitchen.blogspot.co.uk/2007/12/onion-bhaji-recipe.html which has useful step by step pictures.  I fried mine instead of oven cooking them.  They were lovely but can't help thinking there was something missing.  I also added more salt than the recipe suggested.  I have since used Tesco's onion bhaji mix which I quite liked but still not like the restaurant ones.

Please let me know if you have a good bhaji recipe.

For the potatoes I par boil them and then roast them with a paste made up from garlic, ginger, tumeric, cayenne pepper and salt, in vegetable oil.  When they're ready I sprinkle them with chopped coriander.

Find my recipe here


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